The deception of rendering React children
All React developers learn early on that when a component re-renders, so do all of its children. But there's a nuance to this foundational concept that's not immediately obvious.
3,037 words
I write mostly for myself to clarify my thoughts and document my learnings. Nonetheless, I hope you find something useful here!
All React developers learn early on that when a component re-renders, so do all of its children. But there's a nuance to this foundational concept that's not immediately obvious.
3,037 words
As I was browsing the React documentation a few days ago, I stumbled upon a line about useState and its initialState, React's way to initialise a local state, which made me pause for a second
3,714 words
Writing this article is an effort to make explicit all the implicit decisions I make when building React components and document what I consider to be the best way to do so.
5,806 words
Ever struggled with identifying active breakpoints in Tailwind CSS? This tiny React component helps me see which Tailwind breakpoint I'm developing for. No more guesswork.
1,017 words
Talking is the cheapest investment we can, and should, make in any new business ideas. Avoiding it is best way to waste time and money.
1,255 words
Whether you love your current path or wouldn’t mind a little change, it is always flattering to be offered to fly to new horizons. Unless you get yourself sufficient exposure, this is unlikely to happen.
1,449 words